Wednesday 31 May 2017

~*~ 22 ~

In the silence within I find the affinity with The Power of Universe.

~*~ 23 ~

The biggest mistake you can make is to believe that it does not matter whatever you do. 

~*~ 24 ~

Me and The Divine Power of Universe has this little understanding, you see. If it wakes me up to see another day, I promise to make it a Happy and Joyful day, full of Love and Kindness for both me and everyone else I am connected with during the day. 
So far we both have kept our agreement...

~*~ 25 ~

When you look at me you see an old woman, but to see who I really am... look to my deeds and listen to the words I use.

~*~ 26 ~

The biggest prejudice we have is probably that we have none...

~*~ 27 ~

If you want your life to be more Beautiful, think more Beautiful thoughts...

~*~ 28 ~

Who I ever wanted to be is who I Am.

~*~ 29 ~

Honesty and Loyalty has a very distinct power very few can handle. Until they start loving themselves.

~*~ 30 ~

The only way to The Bright Side of Life is through your Bright Thoughts...

~*~ 31 ~

Spread your wings and fly...

When you create your life be sure of having more memories to remember when you get old, than dreams that never came true.