Sunday 20 November 2016

~*~ 60 ~

You can not expect a caterpillar to understand what you are saying, when you talk in the language of a butterfly.

~ evelyn

~*~ 61 ~

My Library is a Temple for my Thoughts and a Sanctuary for the Soul.

~ evelyn

~*~ 62 ~

If you think you can subdue reality, you will always be at war. Do you want peace; Embrace it.

~ evelyn

Thursday 17 November 2016

~*~ 63 ~

The Death is what we want it to be.
To me, it´s just a beautiful horizon I can´t look behind.

~ evelyn

~*~ 64 ~

I haven´t  come this far, just to come this far.

~ evelyn

~*~ 65 ~

When you light up someone else´s life, you also light up your own.

~ evelyn

~*~ 66 ~

Tears are feelings in liquid form. 

~ evelyn

~*~ 67 ~

Have you noticed that Beauty almost never is physical, but comes from within. Just like Love, Wisdom and Kindness.

~ evelyn

Thursday 20 October 2016

~*~ 68 ~

Never in my life I allow other people´s attitudes ruin my peace of mind.

~ evelyn 

~*~ 69 ~

I am an Altruistic egoist. It means that I take care of myself First, to be able to help others.

~ evelyn

~*~ 70 ~

When you walk out the door towards the future leaving your old life behind, remember that if you don´t do it to 100 %, you´ll still be a prisoner of your past.
~ evelyn

Sunday 16 October 2016

~*~ 71 ~


The Good Life is My Paradise on Earth.

~ evelyn

~*~ 72 ~

The Paradise is not mainly a physical place, it is a form of consciousness.

~ evelyn

~*~ 73 ~

There´s a huge freedom in not taking negative things personally.

~ evelyn

~*~ 74 ~


Since I became my own best friend, I love everything we do together.

~ evelyn

~*~ 75 ~

What I do for others, I also do for me.

~ evelyn

~*~ 76 ~

We are all on this journey together. 
To grow Socially, Mentally and Spiritually (even Physically of course) by observing and learning. And ultimately we become completely assembled, whole and profound Souls. During this journey we are each others teachers, but since our knowledge of the purpose of this journey is incomplete, we are also learners at the same time. 

Knowing that, does it not come more natural to be Grateful and say "Thank you" instead of being angry or hurt and call for forgiveness, when teachers show us things about ourselves that we might not like? To see them as Positive Gifts and Blessings in disguise gives us a chance  and a opportunity to change to a better person (wiser soul). So Thank You all.


~*~ 77 ~

LOVE is the only building block needed in the creation of The Good Life.

~ evelyn

~*~ 78 ~

 Creating a Good Life for yourself is a spiritual mission.
~ evelyn

~*~ 79 ~

 I have the courage to create my world for my soul´s vision. That makes my life Spectacular.  
~ evelyn

~*~ 80 ~

The Magic of Life is available in all the spectacular details around us. We just need to see them.
~ evelyn

Saturday 15 October 2016

~*~ 81 ~

One day you´ll be wise enough to believe in fairy tales again.
~ evelyn

~*~ 82 ~

 Thank God, that life didn´t became as I planned it to be. Instead it became absolutely perfect.
~ evelyn

~*~ 83 ~

Give yourself a "million likes" every day, and do not give a damn if anyone else does. 

~ evelyn

~*~ 84 ~

It is not the given conditions we face, that creates the quality of life, but what we do with them.

~ evelyn
Photo from google

~*~ 85 ~

For a long time now it is just me who decide the contents of my life, and I am very pleased with the result.

~ evelyn

~*~ 86 ~

The only thing we carry with us when we leave this world, is the wisdom the Soul has gained from this and previous Journeys.

 ~ evelyn

~*~ 87 ~

Every time I take command over my thoughts, I also take command over my life.
 ~ evelyn

~*~ 88 ~

Starting your day saying Positive Affirmations, automatically puts you in a Powerful Vortex, that will Support and Attract More Blessings into your life. In that Receiving state of mind, you easily reach your Highest Level of Vibration, and Open up the Gate to Manifestation.  Just grab every day and transform it into a Celebration of Life.

~ evelyn

~*~ 89 ~

I respect your opinions just as much as I respect mine, but I live only for my own. Will you be a part of my journey please respect that.
~ evelyn

~*~ 90 ~

It´s a hugh difference to see the path lying there in front of you, and to actually walk it.
But the Path is Yours and Yours alone. No one can walk it For You.

Many will walk beside you, together with you, but most of the time you will walk alone. With only your thoughts as company. They can be your best travelling companions, or they can be your worst. You decide.

~ evelyn

Friday 14 October 2016

~*~ 91 ~

I am worthy of the Best that the Universe can provide, and know I always receive it.

~ evelyn

~*~ 92 ~

Those times I interpret my dreams as reality, Imagination is always the main reason.
~ evelyn

~*~ 93 ~

Universal Poem

The Universe has always sung,
the same elusive mysterious song...
Filled our Souls with magical knowledge,
that makes them grow wise and strong.

They have no strings to hold them down,
to make them fret or make them frown...
To this Earth they not are bound.

So, the Soul inside of thee,
needs among the Stars fly free...
On its journey to Eternity,
Divine Love to be found.

~ evelyn

~*~ 94 ~

Thoughts from The Good Life

It was just an ordinary day in my 55 years old life when the Elightenment of the Divine Power of Love, suddenly struck me like a lightning out of the blue, as One Single Gigantic Tsunami Wave of Consciousness. In just minutes it crushed and washed away everything I held for being the truth about my existence, as I knew it. Literary leaving me strucked to the ground, crawling naked and unprotected on the muddy banks of my destroyd life. And it made me scared to death. I, who always had control over everything in my life, couldn´t do anything to stop this massiv flow of new thoughts, feelings and insights that washed over me, tryed to drown me. So it felt. But I wanted to live, so I just had to go with the flow, and breath whenever I could.

It took a long, long time, years in fact, after some bigger physical and mental setbacks and amount of smaller or larger spiritual insights, to find all the scattered pieces of my soul. And bit by bit put them all together. Not in the same way as before, because the new world that gradually showed itself to me, was spiritual so much bigger, deeper, wider and immense, and my soul had to adapt to that. I felt re-born as a Spiritual Being, pure and almost holy. Well, that feeling slowly decreased  (thank God) and when I, in form of this new spiritual being who not quite knew who she was, began to see more down-to-earth on this whole event, I found a new exiting undetect world appearing around me that was mine to discover, get to know and to make my own. 

And here I am still, ten years later. I found a Soul inside of me I fell in love with, and togethe with the Divine Consciousness of Love we created a Spiritual world, called The Good Life that is so full of Love, Kindness, Happiness and Joy, I never want to leave. And that´s, what´s so hard for the people who know me before the Tsunami, (family and former friends) to understand and accept. And cope with. We are no longer talking the same language and living in the same world. 

I lost many friends and loved ones because of what happend to me, and that was a great sorrow I struggled with for some time. But The Good Life has many useful tools that provide us with the help we need. I found out that everyone has their own path to follow, has their own destiny to fulfil, and has totaly responsibility to what ever choices they make. Just as I have. 

From the insights of the Divine Awareness I have also found my purpose (mission). I became a Light-worker, and that is what my life is all about today; To share all the Happy Thoughts it has given me, and still are. It¨s like I´m living in a massiv vibrating immense bowl of eternal shimmering energy of positivity. The gift of also becoming a writer, was given to me on the way, and is just one of those magical things that happens in The Good Life. 

I learnt (among other wonderful, magical things), that nothing comes to us, before we are ready to receive it, and never leaves before it has given us the knowledge, it is meant for us to receive... before it´s time for us to take a new stage on our joutney of Life.

~ evelyn


~*~ 95 ~

To live, is the same as to let your motor running. So why not give your battery full speed ahead...
~ evelyn

~*~ 96 ~

It has been shown, that I have the love affair of this century with myself.

~ evelyn

~*~ 97 ~

Spreading Rumors are Misguided Imagination. 

~ evelyn

~*~ 98 ~

 Live Now - 
                Let go of the Past - 
                                             Look Forward with confidence.

~ evelyn

~*~ 99 ~

A preconceived opinion is a lost insight.
~ evelyn

~*~ 100 ~

With the right ingredients, life becomes a real appetizer.

~ evelyn